Latest information for Carolyn Dudley’s friends
Carolyn has been to transferred to:
Bowling Green Health and Rehabilitation .
120 Anderson Avenue
Bowling Green, VA 22427
Visitation is 10AM to 8PM. There are no restrictions on the number of people in the room at once, but if it’s more than 3 the facility ask that a family room be reserved. Those familiar with Google Calendar can access a Web Page to schedule a visit. If you have any difficulty feel free to reach out to Shea directly at (540) 361-0833 or email to Shea will also be happy to hear from you and to help arrange a time.
Church members and friend can contribute to Carolyn’s long term care through the GOFUNDME SITE set up for Carolyn her daughter Shea and the family, HERE
The Church Office has arranged for volunteers to staff the nursery for in-person Sunday School and Worship services temporarily. Going forward, Dahlgren UMC needs to fill a permanent, part-time paid hourly-wage position for a Nursery Attendant to be the primary care provider for children placed in the nursery during church services and special events.
The normal hours of nursery operation for Sunday morning services and Sunday School are 8:30 am to 12:30 pm.
Follow VIEW/DOWNLOAD ANNOUNCEMENT Link on the Home Page for one page announcement with further details that you can print and share to help spread the word.
Those wishing express interest in the position and be listed to receive further details and apply can contact the Church Office by phone: 540-663-2230 or by email to