**. . . . where children are seen and heard
ON FINANCE: A good read, from a scriptural perspective: John Wesley’s Sermon No. 50 on the Use of Money can be downloaded from UMC Discipleship Ministries CLICK HERE.
*4 Pre-kindergarten spots still available*
For information about our program click here.
THANK YOU to all involved for another successful year of both DCP and our Wednesday Evening GLoH Family Bible Study Programs.
SUNDAY SCHEDULE Sunday School in person, 9:00-9:45 am – Pre-K through Adult classes – Under 3 y.o. Nursery Provided Adult–Virtual by ZOOM 11:45 am. WORSHIP 10 AM In-person Service is Posted afterward on our YouTube Channel. |
ADDRESS Dahlgren United Methodist Church Pastor George M. Warner, Sr. 17080 14th St. P.O. Box 1797 Dahlgren, VA 2244 Contact: dumc.churchoffice@gmail.com Phone: (540) 663-2230 Office Hours Mon-Thurs: 8:30 am–12:30 pm |
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Meet Helen Comarce, a United Methodist missionary in Cambodia. Click on picture for more information on her story, and DUMC’s support to the United Methodists’ ministry in Cambodia. |
For information about DAHLGREN CHRISTIAN PRESCHOOL click here. |
WE ARE. . .
Dahlgren United Methodist Church, a vital Christian community grounded in faith, active in worship, prayer, and study and sharing joy in our faith journeys, as individuals and as a family of believers.
We Worship in many ways. Regular Sunday Service includes Children’s Church, and Contemporary and Traditional Services. Music is integral to our worship experience, with a praise band for Contemporary Worship, and a Traditional Choir. Members and friends are also encouraged to share their talents “making a joyful noise” in a variety of worship services throughout the year. To learn more . . .
Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of every Month, and on special occasions. As United Methodists we hold that is not our table, but the Lord’s. All who approach it seeking Him with open minds and hearts are welcome.
In-person Sunday School classes for adults and children meet from 8:45 – 9:30 am, and a one-hour Sunday School class on ZOOM begins at 11:30 am.
Nursery for children three years of age and younger is provided for in-person Sunday School and Worship, and as needed for other activities.
The Church is here for any and everyone who stands in need of prayer and comfort. You don’t even need to believe in prayer. If you are troubled or in need of comfort we are here for you. To contact us simply CLICK HERE. If your email client doesn’t pop up automatically, the address is office@dalgrenumc.org
Click on images to display full size images to view, print, or save.
SCAM ALERT: If you receive an email or text message from our pastor requesting gift cards, you are being scammed. Our Pastor will never request money or gift cards through email or text message. Please do not reply to avoid being targeted again in the future. The number variety and sophistication of scams and malware continues to grow. Another scam informs the recipient that they have some number of un-delivered emails, and gives them a link to click to “download” them. These are only two of many. The number has gotten so large that we have set up a page to provide additional hints to protect yourself here. |
Whether you are already a Christian looking for like-minded pilgrims to share your faith journey or feel lost and are looking for a way that works we welcome you to join us in fellowship, study, communion, and service.
Our Spiritual Foundation
As United Methodists we share the traditional core beliefs of the Christian faith–repentance for the forgiveness of sin and faith in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, the Christ. However, one of the distinctive marks of being a United Methodist Christian is that we do not all subscribe to the same theological beliefs. As our founder, John Wesley put it, “As to all opinions which do not strike at the root of Christianity, we think and let think.”
As United Methodists we believe that God’s grace is boundless, freely given to all who will open their minds and hearts to accept it. We are imperfect people, grounded in that grace, with open minds, open hearts and open doors. Our mission as Christians and as a church is to carry this belief and God’s love to all–to our families, within our congregation, and throughout our community and the world. For more on God’s Grace and how it works . . .
At Dahlgren UMC, theological exploration informed by scripture, tradition, experience and reason is strongly encouraged. To explore more deeply. . .
Christian Education and Spiritual Development
We are all pilgrims together on a life-long spiritual journey. For Christians, the joy and richness of that journey grows directly as we progress in our understanding of what the words “with and in Christ” mean. Wherever you may be in terms of your beliefs, individual progress, and understanding, you are likely to find a kindred spirit at DUMC. There are Sunday School groups for all ages, offering opportunities for Bible Study and discussion. Other small groups meet through out the week for prayer and discussion.
Highlights of our Christian Development and Education programs include
Dahlgren Christian Preschool. DCP offers a fun-filled pre-elementary learning experience that is based on Christian principles and taught by experienced, loving professionals.At DCP having fun means “I am learning” For More on DCP . . .
Sunday School classes are available for all ages, and offer a variety of opportunities for enriching your life through Bible Study and discussion. Regular meetings in small groups during the week for study, discussion, and prayer have been a distinctive feature of Methodism since Wesley’s time. Learn more about how we grow through study and prayer . . .
Our Mission and Stewardship
The mission of Dahlgren United Methodist Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ by sharing the Good News and love of Jesus Christ with people in our community and throughout the world. We pursue this mission through a variety of programs and activities within the church, and through outreach to the local community and active participation in the global ministries of the United Methodist Church.
The offerings we bring to sustain that mission are a response to God’s love. They include our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.
Our Pastor and Family
Rev. George M. Warner, Sr.
Pastor Warner was born March 7, 1964, in Liberia, West Africa to the union of the late Mr. and Mrs. Barr Warner. He started and completed his early education and undergraduate studies in Africa. He has a Bachelor of Divinity degree from Saint Paul’s United Theological College now Saint Paul’s University in Limuru, Kenya, East Africa and a 2013 graduate of Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC. He is a life-long learner, pursuing education to enhance the ministry of the churches he serves for the greater glory of God.
He is an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church expanding over twenty years now and fifteen of those years in the Virginia Conference. Pastor Warner has served as Missionary for the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church in Kigoma, Tanzania in East Africa and Dakar, Senegal in West Africa. He has served in Cross Cultural/Cross Racial appointments since 2006 and currently is the chair on the Board of Ordained Ministry for the Conference Cross Cultural/ Cross Racial Committee.
He is mission minded and very passionate about community, local, national, and international mission. He values shared ministry between laity and clergy as well as inter-generational worship experiences. He is married to Bleh Arway Hare-Warner who is also from Liberia and works as a nurse. Their four children are George, Jr., WillieMae, Rhoda and Elkanah. I am a child of God.
On 30 June, Dahlgren UMC welcomed Pastor George M. Warner,Sr., and Mrs. Bleh Warner as our pastoral family. Pastor Warner was born in Liberia, West Africa in 1964. He completed his early education and undergraduate studies in Africa, receiving a Bachelor of Divinity degree from Saint Paul’s United Theological College (now Saint Paul’s University) in Limuru, Kenya, East Africa, and is a graduate of Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, DC. He has been an ordained elder in the UMC for twenty years, first serving as Missionary for the General Board of Ministries in Tanzania and Senegal. For the past 15 years he has been an elder in full connection here in the Virginia Conference.
Download and open our July Newsletter to read Pastor Warner’s initial pastoral letter/introduction to the congregation.
He comes at a time where CDC and Virginia State Guidelines are allowing churches to return to in-person worship and activities. As it has for all churches, the pandemic has provided new challenges and opportunities for more effective ways of of pursuing our vision of reaching All with the love of Christ. We invite the community to join us in this exciting time.
Interested in Membership?
We are delighted to offer full membership to all interested persons and would love to welcome you into the DUMC family. We ask that every member commits to be actively involved in the life of the church by their:
- PRAYERS for the church and its ministries;
- PRESENCE at worship, Bible study, and ministry activities;
- GIFTS of financial support as a faith investment in God’s work;
- SERVICE to His kingdom by volunteering to serve in one or more ministry areas;
- WITNESS by telling the story of your personal journey with Christ.
New members are welcome to join at any time. If you wish to discuss becoming a member please contact the Pastor through the church office at:
Methods of Joining
- PROFESSION OF FAITH – the initial entrance into membership in the church, when one professes faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
- REAFFIRMATION OF FAITH – one’s renewing of the initial confession of faith after a period of inactivity or not being a member of another church.
- TRANSFER OF MEMBERSHIP – from another United Methodist Church or a Christian church of another denomination. We recognize baptism from all other Christian churches.